Welcome to the new website!

If you want to spread information about the dances you are teaching in your classes, you can obtain login details to access this website. With a username, you can enter your information in the system and view content, such as what dances other instructors are teaching in their classes as well as their dance lists. Login or register from here

It is also possible to form a Facebook group for the instructors. Please contact us if you would like to act as the group moderator.

You can also send us new dances. If you are a choreographer, we would be pleased to publish a good dance you have choreographed. I ask you to send us the video of the dance and also a teaching video.

Please don't hesitate to contact us via email or by phone. We can then advertise your dance under the "Newsfeed" section.


Line dance instructor training is a forum for gaining ideas about various ways to teach line dances to seniors. Please contact us via email if you are interested in the instructor training. The training will be offered during the spring and summer seasons and possibly in December or January according to your wishes.